As my mother will say, lets put our priorities in order before we even begin to think of men and marriage.God created each one of us for worship and honor him. and ultimately bring him glory.Before He even thought of bringing you through your mothers womb,He had already written out the story of your life. The bible even says in the book of psalms that every single day of our lives has already been out in a book while we were still unformed in our mothers womb. so all we had to do is to be born to act out this wonderful story.God had something in mind that only you can accomplish when he formed you.
Our lives really has a beginning and an ending.just like any normal story it also has twist and turns just like any normal script.The reason we get worried and agitated at times when things don't seem to move or happen the way we want it or as fast as we want it is because we have not been privileged to read the whole script before acting it out.
Since we really do not have a very clear picture of the entire story ,the best we can do is to allow ourselves to be directed and guided by the Author and director of the script ,God Himself and when we do this, the perfect design of our purpose become clearer and clearer and in trusting in his leading we will gain more patience ,peace and wisdom and things will ultimately end well for us because He himself said that his plans towards us are plans of good not of evil to give us a hope and an expected end.
What God has planned for our lives is one of eternal love and fulfillment but this can only occur if you stick to Gods plan for you
O how I pray for you lovely ladies out there that the eyes of your understanding will be enlightened so that you will stop being anxious and rest in him.and allow him to execute his plan through you.