One of the common beliefs is that the only thing that helps to determine the health of an egg in a woman during her ovulation is simply through AGE.
Well, there are as well a lot more factors that has a general impact on the quality of the egg released during ovulation that also affect the fertility of a woman and that includes environmental factor, hormones in the diets, stress etc.
Now the truth about fertility in women is that it is based off four major areas which are
Proper circulation
Healthy fertility cycle
Balanced hormones
Healthy eggs
For you to get pregnant, you need an healthy egg because that is what actually leads to fertilization and pregnancy.
Beliefs has shown that when a woman is born, she has all her eggs inside her, hence the reason why age is been said to affect the quality of the egg in a woman.
It has also been shown that Eggs do not regenerate.
This goes to tell you how much age is been influenced by the quality of an egg in a woman.
Now while that may be true.
Here is what you don’t know.
Many women with issues of pregnancy having been told by their doctor are given alternative options such as IVF, egg donor or even as a last resort having to adopt a child.
But majority simply don’t know that by simply increasing the quality of your egg over a 90 days period, you will be able to improve the quality of your eggs and eventually get pregnant simply following all that i will be showing you that is after it is ascertain that your husband is medically okay after doing a sperm test.
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So how does this works.
By working with this factors listed below you will be able to improve the quality of your eggs over a 90 days period because this are the contributing factors that leads to poor egg health
– Blood flow
– Proper Oxygenation
– Hormonal Balance
– Nutritional Intake
– Stress.
When you work on this, you will see a much better improved result, increase your chances drastically to get pregnant naturally and have that happy smile on your face.
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Inside our newsletter, part of what you will learn are
The three top ways to boost ovulation
The 4 things couples must do to get pregnant
How toxins has been known to affect fertility in women
How To Increase Your Chance To Give Birth To A Baby Boy
Why you need to set your reproductive hormones in order
Our all natural guide to getting pregnant.
How your husband can insanely boost his sperm quality and motility
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