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Did your wife or husband do or say something to make you angry such that you dont feel like talking to him or her for a few days?.Does that kind of situation sound familiar to you?I am sure it does. It happens even to the best of marriages.But How will you feel if you can avoid such situations as much as possible and be able to stay with your spouse for days , weeks or even months without those unnecessary frictions. The solution is in couples praying for each other.Not just once a day but several times in a day.A wife's prayer for her husband have a far greater effect on him than anyone elses  even his Mother .A mothers prayers for her child are certainly fervent .But when a man marries ,he leaves his father and mother and becomes one with his wife (Mathew 19:5)They are a team ,one unit ,unified in spirit .The strength of a man and wife joined together in Gods sight is far greater than the sum of the strength  of each of the two individuals .  That is because the Holy spirit unites them and gives added power to their prayers.That is also why there is so much at stake if we do not pray.Can you imagine praying for the right side of your body and not the left?If the right side is not sustained and protected and then it falls ,it is going to bring down the left side with it ! The same is true of you and your husband .If you pray only for yourself and not him,you will never find the blessings and fulfillment that you want.What happens to him, happens to you and there is no going around it.
This oneness gives us a power that the enemy does not like that is why he devices ways to weaken it .He gives us whatever we will fall for whether it be low self esteem, pride, the need to be right ,miscommunication or the bowing to our own selfish desires.He will tell you lies like " Your failures are irreparable","Your spouses failures are also irreparable". "Your spouse can never change or improve","Your are better off with somebody else". And this last lie is the greatest of all the lies because really if you had waited on God and sort His direction before getting into a Marriage relationship, You are not better off with another person because believe me that other Person also has his or her own bad habits that you also have to get used to.The trick here is to let your heart be as open as possible to   Gods healing direction.For example in the early days of my Marriage, I used to react  immediately when My Husband will get annoyed over matters which to me were not enough to get one angry and the more I reacted ,the more we had  conflicts.until I sat with God and asked him to show me what to do.  And the Holy spirit made me to understand that it is only Satan and his angels that react to situations .God and his children are suppose  to ACT NOT REACT to situations .With this knowledge at the back of my mind, I was able with time to remain quiet when My husband was upset and used that moment to pray in my mind for him to be calm about what ever matter was upsetting him .And later, without my asking, He will tell me what had upset him and even apologize for his action.Now that is a practical example of what praying for your spouse can do.When we pray instead of reacting to a negative situation,our hearts become soft towards God and he gives us visions and directions on how to deal with the situation.

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