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For the past few weeks ,I have been talking about how to and what to do spiritually as you prepare yourself in the process of waiting for your suitable life partner.
In this posting, I am going to introduce a suggestion that you ladies may never consider as important .I am talking about using BIRTH ORDERS to help you make a wise choice.
In my subsequent postings,I am going to arm you with simple points of information that will help you to sort through potential partners /suitors much faster and with much more precision.
Did you ever know that you could use birth order to find a suitable soul mate and the love of your life?some one that will love you like no one else ever has or ever will.
Though birth orders aren't foolproof,they are a great predictor and are accurate about 90% of the time.
Unfortunately most young ladies and men never even think to consider the role that their birth order has played in developing their own personality much less how it has affected their prospective spouse personality and how the two personalities might make it living under one roof.Instead they are carried away by an intoxicating infatuation i.e drunk on love and once the high passes , they are left to walk their way through the hangover of conflicting birth orders.
Some of you may be wondering what I mean by birth orders : your birth order,  begins of course with the order in which you entered your family .It is further refined with the way your parents were shaped according to their birth order.which translates to how you were shaped
Once you understand the birth order phenomenon before you get married, It can work wonders for your relationship ,You will discover why you are the way you are,but most importantly ,why your partner is the way he or she is. Armed with this knowledge you can become better  aware of his or her strengths and weaknesses as well as how to love your future partner in a way that he or she will feel most loved.

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