"Who can find a virtuous woman ,for her price is far above rubies"proverbs 31 vs10.
My beloved ladies, HOW MUCH ARE YOU WORTH.?Can you be priced far above rubies?Have you noticed that diamonds may get all the attention but rubies and sapphires are the first choice of kings and the affluent because of their extreme rarity and value.Gods word gives this stone special attention.Rubies and sapphires are mentioned more often than diamonds in the bible.Job 28 vs 18 claims that the price of wisdom is above rubies.To become the proverbs 31 woman, your number one requirement is wisdom since the bible equates wisdom and a virtuous woman to be far above rubies .Rubies are formed from certain types of rocks or marble in the depths of the earths crust that have undergone intense pressure and high temperatures.It then means my dear ladies that for you to become priced far above rubies,you have to be ready to undergo certain pressures and discipline that will arise as you make voluntary efforts to improve your self.by the leading of the spirit
The proverbs 31 woman is a very busy, seasoned, industrious all round woman who not only keeps a perfect home, but also runs a perfect business. .She is a cloth maker,(proverbs 31 vs 13 "she seeketh wool and flax and worketh willingly with her hands")she is an estate agent and a farmer(proverbs 31 vs 16"She considereth a field and buyeth it.With the fruit of her hands she planted a vineyard") She is a philanthropist(proverbs 31 vs 20 "She stretcheth forth her hands to the poor ,yea she reacheth forth her hands to the needy")She dresses beutifully (proverbs 31 vs 22 "She maketh herself coverings of tapestry,her clothing is silk and purple")She doe not only make cloths ,she also sells them to merchants(proverbs 31 vs 24 "She maketh fine linen and selleth it and delivereth girdles unto the merchants")She is a perfect home maker and nothing is larking in her house.(proverbs 31 vs 27"She looketh well to the ways of her household and eateth not the bread of idleness")
Are you beginning to see the amount of work God has to do on you to package you and make your price far above rubies?This kind of packaging takes time,patience and perseverance so that when he puts you in a home,you will be ready to stay.REMAIN BLESSED.