How many times have we all heard that scripture and still do not take it to heart and try to place our priorities right .our focus most times is all wrong. Our priorities are a bit askew.
Seeking the kingdom of God first is to strife to know Gods will for your life first.

Perhaps we force the issue because we don't want to deal with the real issue .Its like trying to put on a dress that is too small .We try to fit into it instead of doing the work it will take to make it fit comfortably on its own., like regulating our diet, working out to lose a little weight in order to become the right size for the dress.
The truth of the matter is when we are ready, and if it is in accord with Gods will, the things we long for will come .they fall into place and fit into our lives just right.
A woman at peace with her God ,content with her life, full of love, and free of desperation attracts a good man .It starts and ends with us .Its time to take stock of our priorities .What is truly important in this thing we call the single life? Is it really about a man ? or is it about being a whole person? Which brings us to another thought .Why are we really here? Is it just to get married and become the extension of someone else or is it for something greater.
First things first beloved ladies .
You are called to build a good life complete in Christ. Then you will know God's rich blessings in your life, whatever they may be