Help my biological clock is ticking !Doesn't God know I am running out of time?!Well I settled this issue just before I turned 40 years.(I am 48 years old now and happily married)
My clock was broken when I turned 38years and not married. I purposely refused to allow it to clangs in my ears .or to ware me down. You can also achieve this mental state If you set your mind to it. and not allow your age to define your attitude or the kind of relationships you allow into your life
We can set a clock on the mantle of our hearts and work ourselves into a fine frenzy If we insist on staring at it.or we can search for other ways to be fruitful.In Gods economy,He uses those who have an unusual surplus to minister to the needy.Could it be that God wants you to birth babies in another way?To have spiritual children?If everything begins in the spirit before manifesting in the natural,perhaps the way to take is this, I will be a mother to the motherless.
Consider your options.First there are children crying out for love and attention all around us.some have parents who are simply too busy.some have no parents.Then there are those who are waiting to be born in spirit.Through your prayers influence and encouragement ,they can be birthed into the kingdom.Spiritual children that you can nurture into the fullness of spiritual maturity.The rewards of raising up people in the ways of the lord are priceless.
God wants us to be filled with purpose .This is also what our soul craves most .Many women who become mothers ask themselves the same question as their lives become filled with raising someone who is totally dependent on them in their early years."What is my purpose ?Is this all I am living for?Their lives become consumed by their children and their sense of identity suffers .They long for more to live for ,like adult conversation and a vision beyond diapers.God finds value in both natural motherhood and spiritual motherhood.Is your biological clock ticking,break it and become fruitful right where you are.