When you are full you will refuse honey but when you are hungry even bitter food taste sweet Proverbs 27 vs 7
Ever noticed that when you are hungry, every thing looks good? I always advise that you should never go to an unfamiliar restaurant when you are starving. Every thing in the menu will seem appealing including stuff you will not normally like. But after you have ordered and taken a few bites, the edge is off your hunger, and the truth sinks in ,you will never be able to eat it all, you don't even want it. It suddenly does not taste as good as it sounded in the menu !Why? Because you were being driven by your appetite.
Our soul should be well satisfied in every aspect of life so that we can make discerning choices on what we allow into our hearts. Otherwise, we will find ourselves hungry for love and looking for it in all the wrong places .Whether it is obsessions with food, material possessions ,accomplishments or just bad men. The root is the same----hunger. Most times, we loose our focus on what to really hunger for or desire, we find ourselves starving for attention and doing all the wrong things to get it.No wonder, God tells us to stop filling up on things that will never be able to satisfy us .
Be spiritually full. Be satisfied from the inside out.so that when Satan comes ,offering you tasty fast foods like unsaved men, premarital sex, inappropriate fondling, excessive food ,sweets, overindulgence of every sort, the wrong types of entertainment ,compensatory addictions like excessive shopping----you name it, whatever it is he is offering to sedate your senses ,don't settle for his deceptive menu .He knows that if you partake of enough of them ,you will be open for anything .No my dear ladies you have come too far and waited too long to fill up on empty calories or promises that normally look good on the outside but does not really digest well later and adds nothing good to your soul. NO ,no ,no . Push all those empty calories and promises away and wait for the main course that God is about to bring.