Why does the world look down on people that are not married especially if the person in question is a little bit advanced in age.and this silent treatment is worse if the person in question is a woman .This concept of singleness being viewed as a curse or some sort of disease has led several women to make desperate and wrong decisions that has lead them to a miserable life and most times these are ill advised decisions or decisions made under pressure from family members. Please ,please you single women out there do not make such an important decision like that under pressure from anybody .because they are not the ones that will leave with the person you decide to marry ,it is you and only you that will spend the rest of your life with this person. While you are still single , please try and get a better understanding of what being single is all about and how God sees singleness.
In Genesis 2:18. God said "It is not good that a man should be alone "He did not say that it is not good for a man to be single."Singleness" and" being alone" are two different words that are completely different in meaning.In my previous posting ,I talked about what it means to be single and whole Because people have confused singleness with being alone ,they view singleness as a problem and look at unmarried people as single people who have problems or as rejects of the society that can not find people to settle down with.And believe me this is so far from the truth and I have come to realize that the problem really is ignorance of the true meaning of being single.
If a state of singleness means to be unique and whole ,then to strive to be "SINGLE"should be every christian' s number one goal.The Apostle Paul said that A married woman is concerned about the things of the world and how she will please her husband while An unmarried woman only thinks of how she can please God.And I say, what is it that will please God ?Is it not for you to strife to be the best He has created you to be? by being unique and whole?So that when the time comes for you to eventually get married,you will have so much to offer your partner.and will also be ready to face the challenges of marriage and make yours to work.If you do not know who you are yet.what are you going to give to someone else.
I know how tough it is to be unmarried in a world designed for couples ,but being conformed by the pressure of the world to its image will not make you happy,It is much better to walk alone for some time than to be miserable with someone else just out of conformity to this worlds standards
I pray that as you read this post, you will be able to understand the difference between being single and being alone and you will never again feel depressed for being unmarried and you will not be in a hurry to allow any body to pressurize you into getting married for the wrong reasons .
Remain blessed.