The concept of meekness ,most times is not easily understood by a lot of people .Many people think that being meek or being quite in certain circumstances makes you a fool and gives people the audacity to want to ride over you .But I want you to understand that people that behave like that do so because they do not understand the power of meekness and quietness. My dear single Christian woman , These are two very important virtues that are indispensable and a must have for you to be able to have a long lasting marriage. Meekness simple means "POWER UNDER CONTROL" simple put ,the ability to use authority given to you rightly and not for show or for revenge even when you are in a position to do so. Quietness is the ability to discern when to be speak and when not to speak. remember Paul the apostle said "In quietness and Confidence is your strength" Why are these two virtues very important to have as a Christian woman? Remember What our God said in the beginning that it was not good for a man to be alone, He will make for him a helpmate/helper suitable for him. Ladies do you know that that same word helper is used to describe the work of the Holy spirit in our lives when Jesus told the disciples not to leave Jerusalem until the Holy Spirit their Helper/Counselor arrived to help them carry out the work that was assigned to them. . My dear Ladies you are the embodiment of the power a man needs to be guided along the right path of his destiny this is because you have the power of discernment and can have an idea of what may occur in future if a certain decision is taken .contrary to that , a man can only see the now. but this power that has been bestowed upon us can only be useful if it is used with wisdom and this is where the virtue of meekness comes in. You have to learn how to be quite when you tell your partner about the consequences of a particular decision he wants to take and he simple does not want to do what you tell him. Meekness makes you remain quite at such a time and get on your knees and ask God to open his eyes to see what you see. I am sure that we have all heard the saying that the man is the head of the family but I always say that .the woman is the neck. when the neck is not okay, does the head move in any direction? That is how powerful you are. Many women do not know this and those that do may not be using that power wisely. Your duty now that you are not married yet is to pray to God to give you an understanding of the power He has put inside of you and to teach you how to use it wisely. Also learn to know when to speak and when to be quite in your normal day to day relationships so that when you eventually get married, you can translate this attitude to your marital relationship . Remain blessed