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It is really so sad the way majority of Christians neglect the Holy spirit .Most times it is actually due to ignorance of  the importance of the holy spirit in our life that makes most Christians to neglect him. If you will be patient enough to read through this post , you will understand how important it is to have the holy spirit as your friend, adviser and comforter .My  dearest single Christian women you will save yourself from a lot of unnecessary heartache if you will talk to the holy spirit every step of your decision  making life . I write this, not from what I have read, about the holy spirit., but from MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE WITH WALKING PRACTICALY WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT FOR SO MANY YEARS NOW.
You need to develop what I call a talking relationship with the Holy spirit as a single woman before you ever think of settling down to married life ,because believe me most times you will need the wise council of the holy spirit to be able to solve some everyday challenges in marriage. The question that will be on most peoples lips is .How can one begin this talking relationship with the Holy spirit.?
You will start first thing in the morning, by asking the Holy Spirit first what to pray about every day before  you even begin to pray!!!!.Most times we rush into prayer without remembering that the bible says we do not know how we should pray or what we should pray for But the Spirit intercedes for us.
according to the purpose of God for our lives.
Once you have done that, the next thing is to call on the spirit to direct you to work, market ,or visiting or whatever you want to leave your house to do. In you place of work, if your boss ask you to carry out any project , the first thing you should do is to ask the Spirit to give you the wisdom to carry out the project to the satisfaction of your boss. If a colleague needs some advise from you, it is best for you to ask the Holy spirit for wisdom on what ,when and how to give the advise, that will be beneficial to your colleague positively.
You will soon find out that when you cultivate this habit of asking the Holy Spirit about every thing,
you will not have any problem asking the Holy spirit for discernment about any man that wants to take you out on a date right from day one.
 Before I got married, any man that asked me out was presented to the Holy spirit immediately and I remember ,the prayer I always prayed always went like this "Holy spirit ,I just met Mr  so so   He looks nice and honest and  I like him a lot because of that, I need you to help me discern whether this relationship that is about to start will be good for me and your purpose for my life. If there is anything secret about this man or my relationship to this man that will not bring glory to God ,then please remove this man from my life somehow". And believe me the Holy Spirit always caused the relationship to fizzle out somehow or caused the men to exhibit certain characteristics that I was not too comfortable with as a Christian woman.
You see most times feelings can cloud our reasoning. So you need the guidance of the Holy Spirit at such times and the only way you can listen and hear his advise is if you have previously developed a relationship with him.
Hope you will start today if you have not done so already. And believe me you will have a fulfilling experience. Remain Blessed

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