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why do marriages lose their passion after sometime of leaving together.why is it that this woman or man that used to make your heart dance no longer even makes it to skip anymore.this is the sad story of many marriages today.And my question is why should it be so? I am Positive that it is possible for it not to be so.All I can say is that if you can watch out for the things that make marriages go sour then you can prevent yours from going sour.The number 1 marriage challenge in today world is our social network.When did you last turn out the television,or your cellphone or computer and just sit with your partner and have a meaningful heartfelt discussion with and about yourselves?Before the advent of social network ,we used to have meaningful  relationships and people had time to talk face-to-face but today that is a once in a while project!.If your marriage is important for you,create time for it.Marriages also die because of poor money management.Finances has been a very serious reason for the collapse of many marriages .I read an article the order day about how much  financial dept so many people are carrying especially in the US, people are under so much pressure with credit.for some people if they miss one paycheck that is an economic trouble.Does this describe you? because let me tell you, economics mismanaged can destroy your marriage relationship.If you are driving a car you cant afford and leaving in a house you cant afford,it is time to downsize .Your marriage is more important than a flashy car or a gigantic mansion .get on a budget ,and stay on it.When your outgoing is more than your income then your upkeep is your downfall. Proverbs 22 vs 7 states that "the burrower is a slave to the lender."so please save your marriage from financial stress by getting on a budget.Another major source of friction in marriages is the inability or refusal to duel with your partner according to knowledge.1 Peter 3 vs 7 says" husbands duel with your wives according to knowledge that your prayers be not hindered"The road to marital bliss begins when we accept our God given differences .God makes it so clear in that passage that if there is a friction in your relationship with your partner,your prayers are hindered.The actual fact is that before marriage, opposites attract but after marriage this same opposites irritate!and the problem with many is how to manage this differences amicable instead of criticizing and complaining about your partners faults.This all boils down to knowledge of how a woman sees things and how a man sees things.Scientifically,Men reason from the left side of the brain and women from the right.It is not that either is superior, just that the reasoning about a matter is different.Take out time and read more about this so that you can have a better understanding of the way your partner reasons..For when there is knowledge and understanding, there is less friction.I pray sincerely that Gods peace will abide in our homes.

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