This is a very popular saying that opposites attract.It goes on to be believed by most people that when people of different and opposite characters come together, they immediately heat it off with each other and become very attracted to each other like honey to the bee.That may be true to an extent but why is it that the same people that were like 5 and 6 some time ago are now like cat and dog after living with each other for just a few years.Why is it that people that were so passionately in love are now so passionately at war constantly with each other .What happened? Where did the problem come from?.If you care to ask the woman what her problem is with the man she will tell you that she can no longer live with the man anymore because He has become a devil.If you go ahead and ask the man he will tell you that the woman is a witch and that he does not know what trick she had used to blind him to get married to her.How strange that two lovebirds can become two hateful camels in so short a time.What happened to the attraction in the difference in character.
It is really amazing how we allow traditional sayings to affect our decisions particularly decisions that is as important as choosing a life partner.Let me give you a scenario of opposites in character .Say you are a person that sees money as a means of investment to create more wealth .You are not the kind of person that uses money that comes into your hand to buy things that are in vogue at that time like phones handbags shoes wristwatches cars etc but you are somebody that looks ahead and plans ahead when it comes to money by investing in good business propositions .Then here comes a young man that wants to marry you and the first thing you notice is that he does a lot of spending and you also notice that he is not particularly so rich enough to do that kind of spending .Initially you may be attracted to him because he is opposite to you in the area of financial reasoning.Probable because he may be buying you expensive gifts.Yes this sounds and feels attractive at the time you are dating.But in the long run ,believe me it will become a huge source of friction between the two of you.Because when you are thinking of saving money to have a down payment for a house ,he is probable thinking of buying a latest reigning car.and this difference alone on the things you want to spend money on can become a huge source of friction in the long run.Finances is just one aspect of family life I am using as an example .The point I am making here is that you should not make a lifelong commitment decisions based on the fact that your partner is completely opposite to you in the way he or she looks at certain matters particularly matters like Religious values, family values,human values and so on.When the bible says we should not be unequally yoked with each other.It simple means that if you are a lion, do not yoke yourself to a goat. Although they are they both animals ,they are not suitable for each other.Its better to be with somebody whose reasoning about certain core areas of life is not so far away from yours.I hope this will get the attention of a lot of young people and reduce the divorce rates today.Remain blessed.