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So if the lord isn't going to give me what I want right now ,why doesn't he just take the desire away?I hear that but let me set you free .Its not going to happen .God is not going to just  lift the desire for a man ,physical intimacy,chocolate,whatever it is that we are craving out of our system.He wants us to be masters over our desires.He gave us those desires and also gave us every thing we need in order to fulfill our calling in life and live in a Godly fashion.Therefore He expects us to use our spiritual muscles to get around the tracks of life.
Is your desire for love in your life a sin?,Absolutely not?However if it has become an idol,,if it consumes all your thoughts 24/7 and affects every decision you make then I would dare to say you've crossed the line. You are on dangerous ground.What you are really saying is that God is not enough to satisfy you.That true fulfillment can be found apart from him.That was the original sin
When Eve sinned ,God took it as rejection.She wanted something more than Him.She sought fulfillment apart from Him.So He let her have the independence she wanted but oh, what she lost!
Part of the consequence of her new found independence was that her desire for her man to validate and fulfill her would rule over her.She would be in bondage to her need for Adam.She didn't  realize that when she disconnected herself from God, she also disconnected herself from Adam.God unknown to her was the thing that made them one.He was the third cord that bond them so securely.But she severed the cord and found herself feeling very cold and lonely in the draft of her new found freedom.
Any time we choose to find satisfaction independent from God, we find ourselves suffering the same consequences.God who has given us every thing  is a jealous lover.When we cling to something other than him to complete us ,because God created us with a free will,He will allow that desire to consume us to the point where we finally realize. that what we are clinging to will never take the place that only he can fill in our hearts.Yet while we pursue other lovers ,God is watching and waiting the whole time ,jealous for our attention.And fortunately when we wake up to our error.He will draw us back with His loving kindness showing us that no one is capable of loving us as much as he does .
Will he take your desire for attention and affection away?No ,because he wants us to desire.those things from him.Its when our focus shifts south of heaven that our desires get the best of us..So lets rein in those desires and put them in the right perspective.
Remember,you should have desires,but they should not have you.

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