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When we come to know the lord,we enter into his garden of Eden..This garden implies our exit from the world and our entrance into kingdom living .The word Eden means "Pleasure" or "delight"Kingdom living is supposed to give us pleasure .When we enter into this dimension of life, we have a lot at our disposal.
Dont put life on hold while you wait for a mate.Now is the time to experiment.Take that class, go on a trip,Make that investment.Try something new.Laugh loudly .Take a sewing or dancing course or whatever is your delight ,Paint a wall read,Go for it.No one will make your life happen but you.So make your life interesting .Break your every day routine.Mix it up .Go to an arts exhibition after work,or check out a play .What I am trying to illustrate is that most of the time we are bored with life because we are boring.Most of us just go to work,go to church and go home.That is not life .That is going through the motions of an empty existence.There is nothing exiting or intriguing about predictability. I mean think of it what will you have to speak about to keep an engaging conversation going if you dont have much to talk about.because you have not done much with your life.Ladies it is time to break your present mold.
Use your imagination and do something you have never done before.God wants you to taste life , to sample all the goodies he has made available .Venture out ,see his creation,Notice something you have never noticed before.Its amazing how alive you will feel as you abandon your comfort zone for a new adventure.Remember,for everything you have never done before, it is because you have chosen not to do it not because you could not.Make different choices .Break your normal routine. Dont wait for any one else ,Get a life, be a Pioneer.GET OUT THERE AND LIVE LIFE..

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