You have probable heard this a thousand times and you are most probably sick of hearing it especially if you are over 40 years and still waiting for your night in shinning amour
and probable also wondering what kind of timing Gods clock is made up of . Relax please .I know that is easier said than done but I say to you again relax.!!.Gods timing really is the best and that will include a time to be alone and a time to be married. Ecclesiastes 3vs1 says "To everything there is a season a time for every purpose under the sun. Purposes have seasons and seasons don't last forever they have timing .God is the creator of Time and you therefore He alone knows how to arrange your timing and, fulfillment of purposes in due seasons.

So forget all the confusions , speculations and negative reasoning's that the enemy runs through your mind such as ,I am too fat ,or too thin, or too short or not beautiful enough, That is all a lie there is absolutely nothing wrong with you ,you do not need a plastic surgery to change your appearance or any other activity in order for you to get a man .but if you want to better yourself, for yourself then that is very much in line .the bottom line is that we should continually do things to better our selves but the motivation should not be because we want to get a man but because we do want to get better and better most times where we are at has nothing really to do with us but what and where God wants you to be at that time.
So now that you do have all the time at your disposal please use it optimally to do those things that God will want you to do because believe me when you do get married ,your time will no longer be your own .therefore seize this season of being alone and serve God to the fullest.