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The greatest challenge couples have in their first few weeks of marriage is the ability to be quite and patient with each other especially when one of the partner knows that he /she is right about a matter Isn't it frustrating when you are so sure and right about a particular matter and the person you are discussing with, does not seem to be on the same page with you not to talk of believing what you are saying .and for the sake of peace, you let it be as it is.
It actually sounds simple to do when written on paper than when it actually happens to you.My dearest ladies, you will have these kind of situations many times when you eventually get married so it is expedient to learn the act of humility even before you get into a marriage relationship .That is if you want peace to reign in your marriage.
The question now is what is humility ?
A simple and beautiful definition I could find was that the word " humility" is a quality by which a person considering his own defects has a humble opinion of himself and willingly submits himself/herself to God and to others for Gods sake .In addition to this, the bible we believe in also says that we should be slow to speak and quick to listen. Unfortunately especially for about 60% of women ,we  are at most times always quick to speak to emphasize our points and not ready to be quite long enough to understand the meaning behind the words of the person talking to us .It  is really amazing the number of relationships that are destroyed due to lark of humility or excessive pride .Friendships and marriages dissolved over angry words ,families and coworkers divided over resentments .Many problems in relationships can be easily solved  if one person decides to give way to the another for a time instead of wanting to have his or her way all the time .
How then can we learn this most important virtue? The answer is simple. Ask God to give it to you! Instead of spending most of your prayer time asking Him for material things that will not last ,ask him for the virtue of humility  and most times He might answer you by bringing into your life ,individuals that might always want to have their way, people you may probable want to avoid at all cost .But I believe after you have read this post, you will not be too quick to want to leave the presence of such people, because such people will actually force you to learn the act of being quite and patiently allowing others to have their say and way, for a time. Acting with humility does not in anyway deny our self worth rather it affirms the inherent worth of all persons.
Humility therefore is a very useful virtue you cannot do without if you want a peaceful lasting relationship with the spouse God will bring your way .So  no matter what it will take you to get it and practice it, please do. for it will go a long way in helping you have peace and joy in your marriage.
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